A Place in the Sun 10" x 10" watercolor on illus. board |
Same painting, 3rd girl removed |
5 x 5 print |
Another painting from my Santa Barbara trip. This group of girls were having lunch at the beach. I'm thinking the third girl's face is distracting. So, I eliminated her with Picnik. What do you think? Which one do you like better?
I so loved the shirt from Mi Casa, Su Casa, I had to repeat the bright pink "Opera" and yellow in their towel.
I think you are right. I like the version with the 2 girls better. Her face has a shadow on it that is darker/more orangier than any other area on the painting- perhaps you could lighten the shadow? That would be my critique, but I'm not a painter so I don't know how hard it would be to do that! Hope that helps!
I usually like objects arranged in odd numbers, but I think the painting of the two girls is the better composition. Even with the two of them I see almost a triangular arrangement with the way the girl on the right is leaning a bit toward the other. The cloths on the striped towel work well to break up the lines of the towel, but not totally. Really like this!
I would have to agree, I like the second one with the two girls better! Wonderful colors, I love this one.
Diana, the painting with the two girls appeals most to me!
Lovely work!
I agree with everyone preferring the 2 girl composition better.It seems more intimate-- and with both girls facing away from the viewer, it makes for more interest. Love the hint of "opera"color. Nicely done. I love your style! Just lovely!!
Thanks everyone. I so appreciate having all of you. Your comments are so supportive. It helps to motivate me to keep moving forward.
Thank you, flyers! Your the best!
Such a gorgeous painting and i actually love the 2nd one with 2 girls better! Wonderful colors! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
Hi Diana, what a beautiful painting. Love the colors too! Your very talented.
I love, love, love your paintings. I agree with everyone even though I like the idea of the third girl looking back into the painting. Thanks for finding me too.
Hi Diana
I think the two girls sitting is a peaceful view and the one with three of them tells more of story of something going on. I prefer the two girls as a print for the wall. You must be a speedy painter to capture this beautiful piece in while they sat there.
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